DebtHammer Reviews: 3 Things to Know

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You ran across an DebtHammer ad on Facebook or Instagram (similar to the one below) and may be looking into different debt relief options and wonder what DebtHammer offers and what are the company’s reviews. 

How does DebtHammer work? Are they the best resource to help explore all of your options? We will cover all that and more.

Picture of DebtHammer ads on Facebook

What is DebtHammer?

I became aware of DebtHammer recently when my Facebook feed started to fill up with the ads. With being in the debt space for so long, I am always curious how companies work, especially DebtHammer that came into my feed so ofter. 

According to DebtHammer’s Facebook, the company provides content, calculators, advice and paid programs for millions of Americans.  I’d imagine the “advice” term may be a typo as providing financial and/or legal advice may have unintended consequences if your advice goes negative.

From my research, my hypothesis is that DebtHammer is a referral service that refers its clients mainly to to either debt relief programs or debt consolidation loan companies. Receiving referrals to another debt relief or consolidation loan can be fine if you trust the original company. For example, there are many debt relief companies available with varying levels of customer satisfaction, so it’s hopeful that DebtHammer would refer individuals to ones that really take care of the clients.

If you are interested in your debt relief options and what might be the best fit for you, take our free calculator below which can help you explore all of your options.

Debt Consolidation Loans vs Debt Consolidation Programs

It does appear that they do try to help folks out of the payday loan trap, which can be helpful. I found this to be an important thing that they mentioned, because a lot of debt companies out there trap people with loans or advertise themselves as a debt consolidation loan company but it turns out they are actually just doing debt settlement. 

There are many differences between debt settlement and debt consolidation loans. It is important to understand what you are looking for and to know the difference between the two so that you don’t end up signing up for an option that is not beneficial to you. 

Debt consolidation loans can be super helpful if you are looking to receive money in your bank accounts that you then use to pay off your debts. Debt settlement can be helpful if you are behind on your accounts or are okay with falling behind to then settle the debt for often a lesser amount. 

Let’s cover DebtHammer’s history next.

DebtHammer History

While I could not find much information on DebtHammer’s history, I did notice that DebtHammer’s website was on Wayback Machine starting in August of 2020, but their BBB page says they have been around for 2 years. However, it looks like their ads on FaceBook launched in June of 2020, so they may have started marketing over 3 years ago.

A screenshot of DebtHammer on WayBack Machine

DebtHammer Reviews


It appears that there is a BBB page for DebtHammer. They have a 4/27/5 and an A+. They are not BBB Accredited, which is not necessarily a red flag. 

DebtHammer on BBB. They are not BBB accredited

Most of DebtHammer’s reviews are great, discussing how they are empathetic, personable and helped people out with their specific needs. 

Someones experience with DebtHammer was great, stating they were very empathetic
Another review stating they have more gratitude than they can express for DebtHammer and how helpful they were

The only negative review I saw on their BBB page was that they were not reliable when it came to the scheduled calls.

A bad experience with DebtHammer, saying they were unreliable

Let’s see if we can find any DebtHammer reviews.

Other Reviews

I was unable to find DebtHammer on Google reviews, but I did find them on TrustPilot. Similar to their BBB, most people had positive reviews and appreciated the care they showed to clients. 

A TrustPilot review stating they did exactly what they stated they would do

The only negative reviews I saw mentioned feeling spammed for weeks by DebtHammer.

A TrustPilot review stating they will continuously spam you

Closing Thoughts

From my research, it seems as though there are not any flashing red flags to be aware of. It appears that they are a fairly new company, so time will tell if they continue to seem legitimate. 

We will update this article if we find any updates regarding DebtHammer.  As I mentioned before, feel free to use our free calculator below to determine what may be a good option for your situation.

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