Morning Law Group: Did You Just Get The Email?

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Did you just receive an email containing the Contact Information for Morning Law Group stating that you should receive a welcome email in the next few days?
What is happening? What is Morning Law Group?
You had an account with Litigation Practice Group, but then that account may have been transferred to new entities such as Phoenix Law Group, but now you get a new email (such as the one below) that you are now represented by Morning Law Group.
The purpose of this article is to explain what Morning Law Group is an 3 crucial questions to ask.
Also, one of the most IMPORTANT things to understand about this Morning Law Group communication may be your 3rd option under “Do Nothing Within the Notice Period.” If you do nothing here’s what it says will happen, “If you choose not to opt in or opt out, and you take no action during the Notice Period, you will be deemed to have opted in to representation by Us” – So, basically, if you don’t do anything, Morning Law Group will now represent you rif you do not sign and return the legal services agreement.

What is Morning Law Group?

One of the first questions I had when I saw the Litigation Practice Group sale to Morning Law Group was, “I have never heard of this company. How long has it been around?”.
So, when this happens, I like to find the website and then put it through Wayback Machine. Wayback Machine provides screenshots of what companies looked like in the past. If you look up on Wayback machine, you can see that they’ve updated our website many, many times in the last 5 years.
What was surprising to me for Morning Law Group was that the first website scrape was just in February 2023, which I thought was interesting because how on earth would a new company be able to purchase Litigation Practice Group for $84,500,000? Now, maybe the firm just didn’t have a website before February, 2023, so I searched California’s business filings and found that Morning Law Group, P.C. was filed on 8/17/2022.
So, a firm that was started in August, 2022 is able to purchase a law firm for $84,500,000? This is still confusing to me, but let’s look at the website that was just scraped in July 2023.
Firstly, under the types of debt section, Morning Law Group’s website had “bankruptcy” as a type of debt they help with. In the description, it says that bankruptcy is one of the best bankruptcy alternatives.
This makes no sense as bankruptcy is not a type of debt, and bankruptcy is not an alternative to bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is bankruptcy.
Secondly, the address for Morning Law Group appears to be a virtual office space. So, if you’d also like the same office as Morning Law Group that just made an $84,500,000 purchase, you can learn how to rent that space here. Now, many companies are going full remote due to COVID, but the most interesting thing is that this company is located in California, but the times available are in Eastern Standard Time. That makes little sense to me.
So, what can you do and what can you ask?

3 Questions to Ask Morning Law Group

Here are three question that you can ask Morning Law Group.

1. What Services Are You Actually Going to Provide Me?

After they list their services they offer, you may want to try to put a value on each of these services.
So, if they say, we are going to validate your debt. You can ask yourself how much it would cost to just send free debt validation letters yourself.
If they say, we are going to fight your creditors on your behalf, you may ask what that actually means. If it’s valid debt, then what are they actually doing?
If they say they are going to stop creditor calls, how is that different than just telling debt collectors to stop calling you per the FDCPA act.

2. Does the money I provide you go into a special purpose escrow account to settle accounts?

Debt relief is often more expensive than debt validation because your money goes to a special purpose escrow account that can be used to settle your debt with debt collection agencies and debt collection lawsuits.
Debt relief is more expensive, but it’s not THAT much more expensive. So, is this debt validation company putting ANY of our money aside that can help you pay for a settlement when a debt collector sues you?

3. What happens if I get sued for a valid debt?

Let’s say Monday Law Group sends a debt validation letter for your account, and the debt comes back as valid. Let’s then say that the creditor sues you for the unpaid debt.
How will Monday Law Group help you solve that debt? Will they charge fees for the attorney to represent you and also have you come up with the funds for a debt settlement?

Should You Opt Out Of Morning Law Group?

Staying with Morning Law Group is ultimately your decision, and you understand your situation well.
If you’d like to opt out, apparently, you can opt out of received Morning Law Group by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling 424-284-8188. Please note that the document states you have the right to opt out and request a refund and a copy of your file by notifying them at the above email address.
Hopefully this article can help you ask some questions to understand what your fees are going towards, while providing information on how to opt into or out of the program.

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