Phoenix Law Group BBB: Why Did It Disappear?

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We have been following Phoenix Law Group (different than Phoenix Legal Group) for quite some time after the company received many of Litigation Practice Group’s bankruptcy. Also, if you are looking for Phoenix Legal Group’s BBB page, I would suggest you read our article covering Phoenix Legal Group because we have a whole section dedicated to Phoenix Legal Group’s BBB.
If you read our Phoenix Law Group review article, you would notice that we had an entire section dedicated to Phoenix Law’s BBB page.
I was curious to read the BBB updates as I had just talked to a previous individual who realized what was going on at Phoenix Law and called to cancel. This individual asked to cancel, and the Phoenix Law representative apparently said that the cancelation department was closed. When the Phoenix Law client pushed for cancellation, alledgely, the Phoenix Law representative said, “fine” and hung up on the client.
What type of customer service is that? So, I wanted to see the Phoenix Law Group BBB updates, and this is what I met in the process.
Phoenix Law Group BBB page is a 404 page
If you’d like to try, here’s the link to the page: You can also see that the complaints page can still be see if you search “Phoenix Law Group BBB”.

Where did the Phoenix Law Group BBB page go?

I have no idea where or why the Phoenix Law Group BBB page was taken down. If BBB’s vision and mission are to be “an ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers trust each other” and the mission is “to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust”, I would think that BBB may want to consider keeping Phoenix Law Group’s BBB page up considering it did have complaints like the ones we will see below.
That said, BBB has had its own “pay for play” scandal in the past where it allegedly gave businesses better grades if they agreed to become due paying members of the organization. In addition, the BBB currently has a 1.7 rating on TrustPilot albeit TrustPilot could be marked as a competitor of BBB.
That said, BBB does provide consumers with information that can be helpful, but I have no clue why Phoenix Law Group’s BBB page went down.

What did the Phoenix Law Group BBB page say before it was taken down?

Let’s look at the BBB page that used to be available starting on February 2023.

What’s interesting is that it shows that Phoenix Law has a pending accreditation and an A+ even though it just opened its BBB account on 2/21/23. That seems to be fast.

Picture of the Phoenix Law BBB page.

The BBB page also had complaints against Phoenix Law.

BBB Complaints

Let’s go through the Phoenix Law BBB complaints when the website was live.. One reviewer mentioned how difficult it has been to try to cancel their account with Phoenix Law. Here’s what the reviewer stated, “We decided that we would like to cancel our contract with Phoenix Law. I have sent at least three emails and no one has contacted me to discuss cancellation.”

What I found interesting about the complaint is that it took another 8 days from the initial complaint for the business to respond with the ability to cancel even though the reviewer allegedly had already sent 3 emails to cancel. This feels similar to the individual I spoke to who alledgely got hung up on my the customer service representative.

Image shows Phoenix Law BBB complaint stating that it was difficult to cancel the service.

Another complaint highlighted how the Phoenix Law took out money on the 9th and 20th, and the reviewer alleges that the company did not return the money. That is interesting.

Image shows a BBB complaint of Phoenix Law.

What Can You Do?

You may be able to contact directly and see why the Phoenix Law Group page was taken down.

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