6/6/2023 Update: We corresponded with an individual who stated that they received the following text message, “Hello, I am an ex LPG employee. I saw your number on the comment section of an article about LPG. LPG sold your account to Phoenix law. Phoenix Law is actually same as LPG, same head attorney and owner. The attorney is barred from practicing. Phoenix Law is a Trojan horse company stealing people’s hard earned money. I found out all this after I was fired from LPG and they filed BK. LPG and Phoenix Law and Oakstone law are all going through an investigation as we speak. Call Phoenix law 424-622-4044 and demand to speak to Ty Carrs and demand your money back. These are not good people. Their office is being investigated by the BK trustee. It’s on the news. They scam elderly as a form of debt resolution. It’s all BS. Send me a confirmation that you got this but please don’t expect a reply. My job is to spread the news because yall deserve it to know. God bless and good luck.“
You may have looked at Litigation Practice Group’s website for its refund policy and found this image that the website’s terms and conditions are no longer active.

Unfortunately, Litigation Practice Group faced lawsuit(s) regarding some of its business practices and ended up filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. With a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, it may be impossible to get a refund any time soon. In fact, when you look at the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process, you find that you have to file a proof of claim to actually have a chance at getting a refund.And, that may take years to get any funds back, and that is assuming that Litigation Practice Group has any funds to offer or any assets that may be sold to pay back some of the creditors.
Now, you are probably wondering why you would have gotten charged from LPG or another firm called Phoenix Law, OakStone Law or Gallant Law.
Will the New Company Charge Me?
Yes, most likely the new company such as Phoenix Law, Oakstone Law or Gallant Law may continue to charge you for the services. That said, when you look at the Litigation Practice Group lawsuits, you may ask the question, “What services was I actually paying for?”
What Service Did I Actually Sign Up For?
From my interactions with individuals, it sounds as if you were paying for a service called debt validation. Essentially, with debt validation, a debt validation company would just send out debt validation letters to your creditors and potentially dispute the debts, even if you rightfully owe the debt.
Then, you may face a debt collection lawsuit, and then Litigation Practice Group may assign you an attorney to help with your case.
The challenge is that you MAY have thought that Litigation Practice Group would settle debt and then pay the settlements out of an escrow account, only to find out that there was no escrow account, and you were paying 40% of the debt for essentially just debt validation, which you may easily been able to do on your own.
What Are My Options?
Here are 4 things to consider:
- If you wish to continue with them, you may want to fully understand what service you are actually paying for.
- If you’d like to cancel, you may have a difficult time reaching someone at the law group’s cancellation department to actually cancel. So, you may consider contacting your bank right away and understanding how you can stop any payments. Unfortunately, you may have to put a hard hold on the account OR close the account altogether.
- If you’d like up to date information about what we know or have questions, please fill out the form below. I can help you understand how to deal with the debt as well by going through all your options.
- Also, if you were assigned an LPG attorney before February 2023, you may realize that attorney may be in the dark like you are with the new developments as many of those attorneys may not have directly worked for LPG, but just served as a local counsel for its cases in those states.
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