Gallant Law Group Reviews: 4 Things to Know

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Were you previously with the Litigation Practice Group, just to find out that Gallant Law Debt Settlement is now servicing your account. Or potentially, you were with Gallant Law for a short time before getting transferred to Phoenix Law.

What is Gallant Law Group? Does it actually provide debt settlement? What are the reviews?

Let’s get started.

Litigation Practice Group Filed Bankruptcy

You may be wondering why Gallant Law Group may be assisting you with your accounts. Unfortunately, Litigation Practice Group filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy on 3/23/2023 in California.

The troubles may have started before that as Naz II Holiding is suing the Litigation Practice Group on 1/9/2023. Accordingly, the lawsuit alleges that Tony Diab has been running the Litigation Practice Group with Tony Diab being a disbarred attorney for ethics violations, including diverting settlement funds that were due to his client into his own bank account.

Can I Get A Refund From Litigation Practice Group?

So, you may have sent LPG thousands of dollars and wonder whether you can get a refund. Unfortunately, it may be more difficult to get a refund now that the LPG filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

With a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, you may have to file a Proof of Claim which says that you are a creditor that is owed money from the bankruptcy filing. If you want to file a proof of claim, you may have to look at the docket to see how the specific claim needs to be filed. For example, sometimes the creditor files a claim through the court’s system or mails in a claim.  Other times the plan will specify that the Debtor is going to hire a separate company that handles the claims.

What Is Gallant Law Group PC?

Gallant Law Group appears to be a law firm that has the address of 123 S Broad St. #1640 Philadelphia PA 19109 with the contact information of [email protected] and phone number of (215) 804-3333. It appears to be the same location as Glanzberg Tobia Law, P.C, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the companies are related.

Secondly, according to Wayback machine, the only scrape for Gallant Law Group appears to be from December 1, 2022. So, it may be possible that Gallant Law Group is a newer entity that needed to help when Litigation Practice Group faced troubles.

Image shows Gallant Law way back machine image from December 2022.

Does Gallant Law provide debt settlement?

It was unclear from my review that Gallant Law offers debt settlement as debt settlement companies resolve the debt by settling the accounts often for less than owed. Gallant Law may be doing what Litigation Practice Group was doing, so one question to ask yourself is: “Did you receive or see any debt settlement agreements when you were with the Litigation Practice Group?”

What Might You Be Paying Gallant Law To Do For You?

What Gallant Law might be providing you is a combination of debt dispute or debt validation services where it will send mailers to your creditors every few months once the accounts are behind.

In addition, Gallant may be taking a fee and then attempting to let the accounts go past the statute of limitations where those debts may not be sued on.

There are three possible challenges with this approach:

  1. How is this service any different from what you could do for yourself by disputing the debt with the creditors and letting it go behind?
  2. What happens when the debt collectors sue you?
  3. Sending out blanket dispute / validation letters for all your debt when you owe the debt may not actually work.

Gallant Law Reviews

As Gallant Law may be a relatively new firm, I had trouble finding any reviews on Gallant Law.

Google Reviews

From my research, I could not find any Google reviews for Gallant Law.

Google search for Gallant Law picture

BBB reviews

Upon searching this a few different ways, I could not find any BBB page related to Gallant Law Group.

Google search image for Gallant Law BBB page.

How To Cancel Gallant Law And Your Options

Here are 3 things to consider:

  • If you’d like to cancel, you can contact Gallant Law Group at [email protected] or phone them at (215) 804-333. If you are canceling, it may take time to cancel, so you may consider contacting your bank to see what would happen if Gallant Law attempts to pull the payment after you initiated the cancellation?
  • If you wish to continue Gallant Law Group, you may want to fully understand what service they are actually offering and the cost of that service.
  • If you’d like up to date information about what we know or have questions, please fill out the form below. I can help you understand how to deal with the debt as well by going through all your options.

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