Is Turbo Debt BBB Accredited?

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Unfortunately, from Turbo Debt reviews research, I could not find a BBB accreditation for Turbo Debt.

There is a BBB page for Turbo Debt Recovery LLC, but that is a debt collection agency.

If you’ve recently been scrolling through TikTok, Snapchat, or Instagram, it’s likely you may have seen an ad (like the one below) for TurboDebt.

These ads make some great claims about settling debt without credit score impact or owing any money. 

If you have seen these ads, and wanted to look deeper into what TurboDebt actually is, take a look at one of our earlier articles. It tells you everything you need to know about what TurboDebt does and whether their 2,000 reviews are accurate. 

This article is going to take a look whether or not TurboDebt is BBB Accredited, what BBB accreditation means, and what other websites say about TurboDebt. Keep reading to learn more!

What is Turbo Debt and How Does It Work?

A common question is what is Turbo Debt. If you’ve seen those social media ads, you may think that TurboDebt’s function is as a debt settlement firm.

However, this does not entirely appear accurate. That is why they can claim that working with them will not hurt your credit score or cost you money. What TurboDebt actually does is refers individuals with real debt settlement company. 

TurboDebt basically markets themselves as a debt relief option with low risk and low cost. When they have an individual enroll in their “free consultation,” they take your financial information and match you with a debt relief company that will actually work on your behalf.

Because this is the model TurboDebt uses, it is likely that they are commission based and earn money off of referring individuals to the companies. 

In short, you will not actually be working with TurboDebt longer than it takes for them to match you with a company. And because TurboDebt is likely paid by the companies they match individuals to, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. The company they refer you to isn’t necessarily the best company for you. It is more likely that it is the company that is paying them the best. 
  2. The cost associated with debt settlement will likely be inflated due to the customer acquisition cost they paid to TurboDebt. 

However, if you are looking for a company to help you figure out which debt settlement company is best, TurboDebt might just be helpful. Let’s take a look at whether or not TurboDebt is a company you can trust. 

How much Does TurboDebt Cost?

You hear the ad that you won’t have to pay back your debt and your credit score won’t be impact, but how much does Turbo Debt actually cost?

It may cost between 20% and 25% of your enrolled debt amount. The fees are based on what company it actually refers you to as TurboDebt is a referral service.

If you do not have a quote of your monthly payment or you have a quote, compare that quote to potentially a lower fee debt settlement option using the calculator below. You can also compare your options with debt management and debt payoff planning.

What Is BBB Accredidation?

When researching a business, everyone has come across BBB at one point or another. The Better Business Bureau, or the BBB, was created to help the public have a better insight to the businesses they were considering working with.

There is a space for reviews, complaints, and an overall business rating that can help individuals know more about whether or not a business is trustworthy. BBB is one of the most trusted review platforms, and with good reason. They are transparent, diverse, and fair. 

There is one portion of a BBB review that is not present on every business profile: the accreditation. But what exactly is a BBB Accreditaton? Honestly, an accreditation doesn’t mean too much, but it can show that a business is serious. 

The steps to getting accredited aren’t strenuous or exclusive. In fact, all you have to do to be accredited by the BBB is pay a fine and send in an application. The application is pretty basic.

  1. The BBB just checks to make sure you pass all of the Accreditation Standards.
  2. The standards boil down to two questions: Is the business honest and is the business transparent?
  3. If there are no red flags for the business, then the accreditation is granted after payment (which is typically $553).
  4. Again, while these aren’t the most stringent standards, an accreditation typically shows that companies are honest and serious about  their business. 

Is TurboDebt BBB Accredited?

Unfortunately, there is no BBB page for TurboDebt. So, not only are they not accredited, they aren’t even present on the platform. This can be a little worrisome considering the BBB is one of the most respected and highest traffic review platforms for businesses. 

Without a BBB page, it can be difficult to trust the TurboDebt is a serious and honest company. To make up for its lack of BBB presence, TurboDebt does seem as though they have pushed reviews on other platforms, specifically Google. Let’s take a look at what those reviews say.

What Do Other Reivew Platforms Say About TurboDebt?

Because TurboDebt doesn’t have a BBB page, its important to take a look at what people are saying on other review platforms. Here are just a few of those review platforms:


TurboDebt has an astounding 2,243 Google Reviews after only 2 years of being in business!

Compare that to the just over 4,000 reviews National Debt Relief (one of the largest firms in the nation) has amassed after 13 years, and it’s obvious that TurboDebt has been pushing their clients to leave reviews.

Out of those 2,243 reviews, TurboDebt has a 4.9 out of 5 star average Google rating. That is spectacular for a company dealing with debt relief.

While this is encouraging, it’s important to keep in mind that TurboDebt does not appear to settle or consolidate debt. They can do is answer your questions and then match you to a company that can help you. 

The positive reviews claim that TurboDebt answered their questions and had excellent customer service. The negative reviews claim that TurboDebt was a waste of time and not what they thought it was.

Trust Pilot

TurboDebt has a perfect 5 out of 5 star score on Trust Pilot. While this may sound spectacular, it almost sounds too good to be true. When reading through the reviews it’s apparent that many of the reviews were made after the first point of contact. You may consider the following: 

  1. No service has been rendered, meaning there is no service that can be reviewed.
  2. Customer service calls are almost exclusively done in a way that accommodates and help the potential client. This means that companies are on their very best behavior.

Because of these two things, it makes sense that the vast majority of reviews are 5 star. 


Overall, TurboDebt is hard to trust. They advertise themselves as a debt relief company that won’t ruin your credit score and won’t cost you money. While this might be technically true, it is incredibly misleading. Their lack of a BBB page and accreditation also speaks to their potential dishonesty, and their skewed reviews don’t help too much. At the end of the day, if you are looking for someone to match you with a debt settlement company, TurboDebt might work well, but make sure you understand what the company actually is before moving forward with them.

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