Horizon Lending Reviews: Do They Offer Debt Consolidation Loans?

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Did you get “pre-selected” for a Horizon Lending debt consolidation mailer  with a rate as low as 3.09% with an invitation code and the number to call of 800-290-4559? If so, this article is for you. We are going to cover the Horizon debt consolidation reviews and what you may need to know to make an informed decision.
Horizon Lending Instagram Ad picture
Let’s get started.

What is Horizon Lending?

It’s unclear to me exactly what Horizon Lending offers as getting “pre-selected” to apply for a loan seems like they are using firm offer of credit language (to be able to send you the mailer).
When comparing other companies, this mailer gives me the vibe of a company that states you qualify for a loan, but then say that you get denied and qualify for a debt consolidation program.
And, let me tell you, a Debt Consolidation LOAN is VERY different from a Debt Consolidation Program. In a debt consolidation program (also known as debt settlement or debt relief), your debt falls behind, your credit score may be negative impacted, and you could be sued for unpaid debt. Now debt relief may still be a good option for some people, but it’s helpful to understand ALL your options if you can’t pay your debt.
It’s SO important that you understand debt consolidation loans vs programs that I created a video to help you understand the differences.

Now, if you are looking for a debt consolidation LOAN, we provide the 3 debt consolidation loan option because you may not actually have been able to check your rate for a loan. That said, it’s important to understand that we do get a referral fee if you choose to move forward with one of the loan options provided.

Important: Also, just as a note to be 100% transparent, Ascend is a for profit business, and we do our best to be unbiased in our reviews of companies. The only reason we write reviews such as these is because we do not believe in the marketing tactic to ‘preselected’ individuals for a debt consolidation loan that you may not actually be able to get. When writing this article, one question we found ourselves asking was, “Does Horizons Lending have permissible purpose to prescreen you via the credit reporting agency and are they providing a firm offer of credit at a 3.09% interest rate, but is anyone actually getting that firm offer of credit in a loan for under the federal funds rate of 5.0 – 5.25%?”

Debt consolidation loans can improve your credit score, get you on a fixed payment plans, and save you interest, but what happens if you’ve applied to many debt consolidation lenders and just can’t get approved?

HELP – I Can’t Qualify For A Debt Consolidation Loan

In my experience, sometimes these companies may target individuals who frankly can’t qualify for a debt consolidation loan for reasons such as:
1. High debt to income ratio (i.e. maxed out credit cards)
2. Low Credit Score
The reason may be that individuals are more likely to sign up for a debt consolidation program when they CAN’T get a loan elsewhere.
So, one question for you is, “can you afford the debt without consolidation it through a loan?”
If the answer is no, we built a free calculator to help people compare options. Each debt resolution options have DIFFERENT costs and pros and cons, so we built a free Debt Options Alternatives to Loans Calculator below, so that you can estimate the cost, duration and pros and cons of debt consolidation loan alternatives.

Horizon Lending History

There is a website called web.archive.org that can be a great resource to understand potentially how long a company has been around. What this website does it pulls older versions of the website and put’s it on a calendar for you to understand changes of the website. What surprised me about www.myhorizonslending.com is that the only scrape that’s show on the website is from July 22, 2023. You can check it out here.
Picture of Horizon Lending's Wayback machine.
Using the same search for Ascend, you can see that Ascend has changed a lot over the years.
Picture of Ascend's wayback machine.
This may mean that the Horizon Lending website is very, very new, and potentially less than one month old at the time of this writing.
Another thing I noticed about the Horizon Lending website is the lack of Terms and Conditions. The website does have a Privacy Policy, but it doesn’t provide any information about a company address.
That said, it’s hard to determine how long Horizon Lending has actually been around.

Horizon Lending Reviews

I was actually able to find the Horizons Lending Facebook page, but it did not have any reviews. The reason that Horizons Lending may not have any reviews on Facebook is that the page transparency section shows that the page was made on June 30, 2023, so it is a very new page.
Horizons Lending Facebook transparency page.

Google Reviews

Additionally, I could not find a Google My Business page for Horizons Lending, so my Google search came up with nothing for Horizons Lending.
Google search for Horizons Lending reviews on Google picture


I could not find anything on BBB for Horizons Lending. I found this BBB page for Horizon Loans, Inc, but this is obviously not the same company as it takes you to an entirely different Facebook page.

Closing Thoughts

Horizons Lending is advertising a debt consolidation loan for a rate as low as 3.09%, which is much lower than the federal funds rate, and would mean that the Horizons Lending would potentially be losing money if they ever gave a loan at that rate.
As such, I am not entirely sure what Horizon Lending offers and whether it’s just another way to help people enroll in a debt consolidation program, which is not the same thing. If you can’t qualify for a loan and debt help resolving debt, considering taking our free calculator below.

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