Fast Track Debt Relief Reviews

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Regardless of how you got to this point, if you are in need of debt relief, you have likely started to research what your options are. There are many different forms of debt relief. But for most options, the help of a professional can be incredibly useful. Debt relief companies know the ins and outs of the different debt relief options and can help you get out of debt faster than you might be able to on your own. While this might sound amazing, most debt relief companies are still for-profit businesses. Because of this, you need to really consider what company you want to work with and whether or not they fit within your needs. This article will specifically look at Fast Track Debt Relief. Keep reading to learn what the company does and what other clients have said about them.

What Is Fast Track Debt Relief?

Fast Track Debt Relief is a debt relief company. It seems as though there are many different debt relief options available to the individual. However, after reading through the services and program page, it appears as though they actually only offer debt settlement.

Debt settlement is a process in which a third party negotiates your existing debt balance to a lower payment amount that will suffice the account. In this instance, Fast Track Debt Relief would be the third party. It is important to note that Fast Track does charge for its services, as do all debt relief companies. Determining how much they charge is just one of the many things you will want to try to determine while researching this company. Here are some more things to keep in mind.

What Does Fast Track Debt Relief Charge?

Unfortunately, Fast Track does not disclose its rates publicly. This means that you will not know exactly what percentage they will charge until a contract is started. You may be able to get an estimated charge fee while talking with a customer service rep. But it is likely that they will give you a common range.

Typically, the majority of debt relief companies charge anywhere between 15-25% of the total amount of enrolled debt. So, say you enroll $2,000 of debt. Your debt relief company will then charge you 15-25% of that $2,000. This would lead to an extra $300-550 charge on top of what you still owe the creditor. While this may not seem like a lot, the charge can be overwhelming when the amount of debt forgiven is larger.

If you are struggling with debt and don’t know the different options, you can take the free debt relief options and alternatives options below to estimate the cost of debt settlement and also compare the cost to alternatives.


BBB Reviews

While the BBB is one of the most established and well-trusted review platforms, it seems that there is not much of a record of Fast Track on the website. It currently has a B+ rating.

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Fast Track Debt Relief is not accredited on BBB, something many companies seek in order to legitimize their business. And while many companies have hundreds or even thousands of reviews on the site, Fast Track only has one. And the one review is only 1-star. There are also 11 complaints ranging in severity. A few complained that Fast Track conned them out of money, however, all complaints had resolutions attached to them. Because of the lack of client interaction on BBB, it isn’t the most helpful platform to learn more about Fast Track Debt Relief.

Google Reviews

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Luckily, Google Reviews paint a slightly better picture for Fast Track. Google has 994 reviews with an average rating of 4.8 stars. Most of the newer reviews are glowingly positive. It’s also nice to see that many of the glowing reviews are reviewing the entire debt relief process, not just the initial phone call. One favorable review said that Fast Track was responsive and friendly throughout the entire process.

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While this might sound minimal, there have been many debt relief companies that have been reported to be incredibly kind and courteous in the beginning. However, they turn cold and unavailable once the contract is signed. This is a great review that can help you understand what Fast Track is like even once the debt relief process has started.

TrustPilot Reviews

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It is, again, surprising that many of the normal review platforms either don’t have any reviews on Fast Track. For example, TrustPilot, a very popular review platform, only has 7 reviews on Fast Track. However, despite there only being 7 reviews, they are some of the most reassuring reviews that we could find.

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Every single review on TrustPilot not only is super positive, but it also is from someone who has actually gone through at least part of the debt relief process. It is interesting to note that all of the reviews on TrustPilot are from the year 2014 or earlier. While there are a few different reasons why this might be so, it is likely that Fast Track just stopped attempting to direct clients to the platform, or never directed them to that platform, to begin with.

Fast Track Debt Relief Website Reviews and Testimonials

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Fast Track Debt Relief’s website has a page dedicated to testimonials and reviews. As far as testimonials go, you always have to take them in with a grain of salt, especially when they are posted on the company’s website. When this is the case, it is obvious that the company arranged the testimonials and likely is able to pick and choose the best parts of clients’ reviews to make themselves sound best. Fast Track has both video and written testimonials, and all of them are incredibly positive.

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There is also a scroll bar that has reviews cycling through on the testimonial page. It is unclear where the reviews originate from (if they pulled them from a different site or if the reviews were taken directly), which could lead us to believe that Fast Track collected them. Because of this, it again can be difficult to fully trust that we are getting the whole picture. When companies directly collect reviews for their website, they have the ability to only post the great reviews and can get rid of the negative reviews. It is definitely worth going through the website to see what everyone says, however you always need to take reviews found on a company’s website with a grain of salt.


Though many of the normal review platforms (BBB, TrustPilot, etc.) don’t have many reviews for Fast Track, there are many great reviews to be found on sites like Google! Fast Track can be contacted to learn more about the details of what they offer.

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