Litigation Practice Group Lawsuits: 4 Cases To Know

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We do our best to provide factual information about the Litigation Practice Group lawsuits, but if you see any issues with the information, please contact us directly.

8/16/2023 Update: Many people have been SUED for the unpaid debt, which is why they are looking into how to get a refund from Litigation Practice Group and cancel their LPG account.

We built the following debt relief calculator to help you understand how to resolve your debt if you’ve been sued and if your debt has actually not been addressed since starting the LPG program.

6/6/2023 Update: We corresponded with an individual who stated that they received the following text message, “Hello, I am an ex LPG employee. I saw your number on the comment section of an article about LPG. LPG sold your account to Phoenix law. Phoenix Law is actually same as LPG, same head attorney and owner. The attorney is barred from practicing. Phoenix Law is a Trojan horse company stealing people’s hard earned money. I found out all this after I was fired from LPG and they filed BK. LPG and Phoenix Law and Oakstone law are all going through an investigation as we speak. Call Phoenix law 424-622-4044 and demand to speak to Ty Carrs and demand your money back. These are not good people. Their office is being investigated by the BK trustee. It’s on the news. They scam elderly as a form of debt resolution. It’s all BS. Send me a confirmation that you got this but please don’t expect a reply. My job is to spread the news because yall deserve it to know. God bless and good luck.

5/8/2023 Update: We have the two full complaint texts for both Phoenix Law Group and Oakstone Law Group in relation to the Litigation Practice Group lawsuits.

Ade Ademosu v Phoenix Law

Kenneth D. Hutchins vs Oakstone Law Group, PC

The Phoenix Law lawsuit alleges that nowhere in the Litigation Practice Agreement was LPG authorized to transfer accounts to any other entity.

Phoenix Law and Litigation Practice Group - Lawsuit Excerpt

5/4/2023 Update: We have heard of two new recent lawsuits again both Oakstone Law under case #8:23-cv-00339, which was filed on 4/28/2023 and Phoenix Law under case 3:23-cv-05404, which was filed on 5/4/2023. Both of these entities have been allegedly closing tied to Litigation Practice Group.

Litigation Practice Group filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy in California on March 20, 2023 (source), but you may be wondering the different lawsuits that have been filed against Litigation Practice Group. Also, You may have tried to find the Litigation Practice Group refund policy, but found that it is going to an error terms and conditions page.

The purpose of this article is to explain the different Litigation Practice Group lawsuits.

NAZ II HOLDING, LLC vs Litigation Practice Group

Per our understanding, this may have been one of the most important lawsuits against Litigation Practice Group.

The Litigation Practice Group PC (LPG) and its director, Tony Diab, are accused of misappropriating millions of dollars of investments made by Plaintiff in LPG’s debt resolution legal services business. Plaintiff invested in Validation Partners LLC (VP), which raises capital for LPG’s debt resolution practice by purchasing accounts receivable based on the legal fees owed to LPG by its clients.

LPG is allegedly contractually obligated to pay the fees it receives from clients to VP, which uses funds solicited from investors like Plaintiff to acquire accounts receivable. LPG abruptly stopped paying VP in June 2022 and began diverting client-fee revenue and other assets to third parties. This allegedly is an effort by Diab to transfer LPG’s revenue-generating client accounts to another entity, enabling him to expropriate the lion’s share of proceeds from LPG’s lucrative debt resolution business.


Plaintiff, Naz II Holding LLC, is a Nevada limited liability company with its principal place of business in Las Vegas. Its sole member is the Naz II Family Trust, which is organized under Nevada law, and its trustee is Premier Trust Inc., a Nevada corporation based in Las Vegas. Defendant, Litigation Practice Group PC (LPG), is a California-based law firm that claims to specialize in the resolution of consumer debt.

However, LPG is allegedly run by Tony Diab, a former attorney who has been disbarred in two states for serious ethics violations, including stealing client funds and forging a judge’s signature. Defendant Validation Partners LLC (VP) is a Florida limited liability company with members in California, Florida, and Wyoming. Plaintiff also sues Defendants Does 1 through 10 under fictitious names, who are responsible for causing Plaintiff’s damages in some way. On information and belief, each of the LPG Defendants allegedly acted in concert with, and with the consent of, each other, and each of the LPG Defendants ratified or agreed to accept the benefits of the conduct of each other LPG Defendant.

Investment Structure

According to information and belief, Validation Partners LLC (VP) started its operations in 2021 to provide financing for Litigation Practice Group PC’s (LPG) debt resolution business. LPG typically acquires clients with the help of Marketing Affiliates who find qualified consumers that have been the victim of predatory lending or are subject to claims of sizeable debt that are not legally valid under applicable law. LPG compensates these Marketing Affiliates by paying them a portion of the fees earned in the debt resolution process. LPG has around 50,000 active client accounts nationwide, which are actively being transferred to third-party entities by Tony Diab.

VP finances the relationship between Marketing Affiliates and LPG by providing factoring services and purchasing Marketing Affiliates’ accounts receivable owed to them by LPG. VP acquires funds from investors such as Plaintiff to finance LPG and the Marketing Affiliates’ operation and repays them with the payments received from LPG’s clients based on fees paid by LPG.

Litigation Practice Group’s Non Payment

This legal complaint alleges that Defendants, including The Litigation Practice Group PC and Tony Diab, are misappropriating millions of dollars of investments made by Plaintiff in Defendants’ debt resolution legal services business. Plaintiff invested in Validation Partners LLC, which finances the relationship between the Marketing Affiliates and LPG by providing factoring services to the Marketing Affiliates. On information and belief, LPG, under Diab’s direction, is intentionally and maliciously withholding money due and owing to VP and Plaintiff. Diab is misappropriating and diverting the funds LPG owes to VP and Plaintiff for his own personal use and to shield them from LPG’s creditors. As a result, VP cannot pay Plaintiff and is therefore in breach of its obligations to Plaintiff under the Agreements.

Here’s an excerpt of the Litigation Practice Group lawsuit alleging non payment.

Litigation Practice Lawsuit excerpt stating that LPG did not make a payment

Tony Diab’s Role at Litigation Praactice Group

According to the complaint, Tony Diab, who was once a licensed attorney in California and Nevada, was disbarred in both states for ethical violations, including stealing client funds and fraudulently diverting a settlement payment into his own personal account. Despite being disbarred, Diab continued to practice law through his firm Diab Law in Newport Beach, California, which was then transferred to LPG, a debt resolution practice founded by Diab. The complaint alleges that Daniel S. March, an attorney who is subject to disciplinary action and suspension in 2008, is a figurehead at LPG, which is controlled exclusively by Diab. The vast majority of LPG’s debt resolution work is done by a large team of unlicensed staff under Diab’s supervision, and Diab treated himself as a 1099 attorney for a period of time after his disbarment, issuing direct payments to himself for “Client attorney fees” totaling at least $445,000.

The complaint further alleges that breach of contract and request for damages.

MARICH BEIN LLC, vs the Litigation Practice Group, PC and Oakstone Law Group PC

This is a newer Litigation Practice Group case filed on 2/24/2023 that links both Litigation Practice Group and Oakstone Law Group, PC together allegedly as the same entity.

This action seeks to enforce Plaintiff’s rights and privileges granted by LPG and to stop interference by LPG and Oakstone Law Group. LPG allegedly offers legal services to consumers experiencing financial difficulties, and Plaintiff is in the business of servicing and purchasing accounts receivable. LPG assigned to Plaintiff the exclusive right to service all of LPG’s accounts receivable with its clients and the ownership of 15,000 to 20,000 of such accounts receivable.

However, LPG allegedly has terminated contracts with at least 25,000 of its clients and transferred 15,000 of those clients to Oakstone, a newly organized law firm. Oakstone has allegedly threatened to withdraw payments from clients’ accounts, which would interfere with Plaintiff’s contractual rights and result in double withdrawing from such accounts by Oakstone.

The actions of LPG and Oakstone allegedly would cause damage, including irreparable damage, to Plaintiff. Therefore, Plaintiff seeks recovery of damages and the court’s declaration of Plaintiff’s contractual rights and entry of orders enjoining Defendants from interfering with Plaintiff’s exercise of such rights.


The Plaintiff, a limited liability company based in New York and is suing defendants The Litigation Practice Group PC (LPG) and Oakstone Law Group PC (Oakstone), both California corporations. LPG, directed by a Tony Diab, who allegedgly offers legal assistance to consumers facing financial difficulties while Oakstone is a newly formed corporation based in La Jolla, California.

The Plaintiff alleges that LPG and Oakstone conspired against it to avoid its contractual agreements. On information and belief, the Plaintiff claims that LPG and Oakstone acted in concert, and with the consent of each other, and benefited from each other’s conduct. The Plaintiff seeks damages and an injunction against the defendants to enforce and prevent them from interfering with its rights.

This Litigation Practice lawsuit is under case 8:23-cv-00339-JWH-ADS,

Here is the full case text.

What Can You Do?

Litigation Practice Group faced lawsuits, and eventually filed bankruptcy. It appears the company offered debt invalidation, not debt relief.

If you have been enrolled in Litigation Practice Group, you account may have been transferred to one of the following entities: Consumer Legal Group, Phoenix Law, Oakstone Law Group, Greyson Law, or Gallant Law PC.

If you’d like to cancel your account with the transferred entity, you’d probably have to check your email and/or bank statement to see which entity your account was transferred to. You may have to tell your bank to stop the payment from being authorized, but in some cases, you may have to cancel your account.

If you’d like to understand how to resolve debt that is current in your Litigation Practice Group program, please fill out the form below. I can help you understand how to deal with the debt as well by going through all your options.

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